It’s baaaack. But that is a good thing! It’s time once again for the Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood Winter Writing Festival. Time to dive into a avalanche of writing productivity with goals and rewards you set, sprints, loads of encouragement, and prizes to gather along the way. It’s a super-charged writing challenge that has been wildly popular. And we are in it’s FIFTH year! How cool is that?
So what exactly am I talking about?
Through the bleakest part of winter–January 12, 2013 thru March 2–the much-anticipated FIFTH Annual Ruby Winter Writing Festival will be here to keep your creative fires burning, with support, advice, inspiration, frequent live chats, fun prizes for participants, and as much virtual hot-chocolate (or virtual champagne or virtual cookies) as you please. ‘Cause nobody’s Muse can resist a party!
Here’s the beauty part: unlike NaNoWriMo and other writing challenges that have a one-size-fits-all approach, the Ruby Winter Writing Festival is designed for you.
No matter what stage you’re at right now (brainstorming, plotting, free-writing, fast-drafting, slow-drafting, revising, layering, polishing…or any combination of the above) the Ruby Winter Writing Festival can help.
Check out the details at the Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood’s Blog here. Or better still, bookmark the Ruby Slippered-Sisterhood Winter Writing Festival website!