I’m guilty. So guilty. Of what, you say? Oh-so many things. Some of which I will keep closely guarded, like skeletons in a closet. Until, that is, you ply me with alcohol. Then I parade those skeletons out like…
I digress. I am guilty of over-committing myself as an author. I am a little lost, walking in circles, overwhelmed by how much I tell myself I must do to keep up with the Joneses. Certainly I’m not doing enough if I’m not making the same or more money than other authors. And what about all those authors doing Facebook parties? Joining all those genre and marketing groups? And just why am I lamenting that I can’t spit out a book every 2-3 months? Heck, even 6 months? Of course I commit with all good intentions. A method to the madness with a means to an end. Theoretically, that is. And unfortunately, this extends beyond just my writing career. Yessir, I suffer from committing to too much. Therefore, make slow, slow progress toward my ultimate goals.
You, too?
Well, then this week’s link is just for you. Author (and funny gal!) Kristen Lamb wrote an enlightening and entertaining blog on what she calls Reality Deficit Disorder. Bless her!
You must read her pearls of wisdom. You must! Go. Now.