I have partners who meet with me several times a week to write. We have been doing a great job of increasing productivity, but some of us need a bit more structure. I poked around the interenet and found several word count trackers- some easier than others and then I ran into this-
“Pacemaker is a playful way of making peace with your writing goals. You set a word count goal, chip away at it day by day and finish on-time! You can approach your writing target in various ways to suit your style :
- Steady – write the same amount of words every day.
- Rising to the Challenge – start off small and increase your word count quota every day.
- Biting the Bullet – bite off large chunks of your writing goal at the beginning of your schedule so that the pressure is off at the end of your schedule.
- Random – each day is a surprise, you may need to complete 5 words or 500! Whether heavy or light, you’ll reach your word count goal at the end of your specified schedule.